December News 2023
Meri Kirihimete from us all at Shore Trust!
Its beginning to look a lot like Christmas!!
Well at least in our Shore Trust homes it is, as we bring together our end of year gatherings and community. I love this time of the year when Christmas trees go up, the pohutukawas are blooming, and we get to share in end of year celebrations with all our whanau.
Thank you to everyone who joined us recently at the Shore Trust Christmas party. It was fantastic to see you all, celebrate the year’s milestones and highlights and share the delicious food including Tali’s “special punch”. Thank you to Tali and the team for all your work making the day come together and so special. Thanks also to our lovely singers for providing the great music on the day.
Looking back on the year, amid the challenges and accomplishments, there’s so much to be grateful for, some lovely new faces and lots of laughter along the way. To the many people who have given their energy, dedication, and time to the Trust over the last 12 months, especially our amazing Team, Volunteers, and Board – I thank you. A special thanks to our families for trusting us to support your family member, it really is a joy to be a part of their lives.
On a personal note, some exciting news, my first grandchild arrived Wednesday last week. Welcome wee Thea. I couldn’t wish for a more special blessing to top off 2023.
Wishing you a very happy Christmas and well deserved end-of-year break, and we look forward to connecting with you again next year.
Ngā mihi nui & best wishes, Francie Needham, Manager

Health & Safety!
Nile Rd Improvements
Three more projects now completed at Nile Road to enhance safety at our home:
– New Carpet in Dining Room
– Second fridge purchased for extra capacity.
Our thanks to John Myers for your wonderful assistance with:
– New grip strips for safety at the front and rear entrances of the home.
– Dining table sanded and re-stained.
Belmont Terrace Improvements
– New dishwasher installed.
Excellent Disability Services Audit Outcome for Shore Trust
I am pleased to report that Shore Trust had a very positive outcome report following the Whaikaha, Ministry of Disabled People independent mid-term Evaluation Audit in July this year. Positive comments and feedback from the Auditors included examples of good and best practice across the houses consistent with the principles of Enabling Good Lives. The report summed up with our strength: “Clients are at the centre of everything the organisation do.”

Congratulations Sarah
We are delighted to congratulate team member Sarah for successfully completing her NZ Certificate in Health & Wellbeing Social & Community Services & Facilitation Level 4. Well done on an outstanding achievement.
Teresa’s Training
Teresa has some serious fitness goals and going to the gym to work out and do strength training is an important part of achieving these goals. Teresa is loving her sessions at the local gym in Takapuna, and says she is proud of her progress. Being strong for Teresa means better mobility, better balance, and an overall feeling of wellbeing! Teresa comes home from the gym with a smile on her face and has even surprised herself at how much more strength she’s developing and how good she feels. GO Teresa! You are a not only a strong woman, you are also an inspiration.
Natasha getting into the swing of Spring with lots of outdoor and indoor activities and pursuits. One of her many talents is being a fantastic bowler!

How SPOOKTACULAR does everyone look in the pic below! October Halloween transformations turned Nile Rd home into a festive freaky wonderland. The people had a spine-tingling and scary fun-filled Halloween, supported by team members Andrea & Jahnna. See more ghoulish activities further down.

Bad Joke Alert
Why are skeletons so chill? Coz nothing gets under their skin! Why did the skeleton cross the road? To get to the body shop! LOL
Where do witches go on vacation? Doesn’t matter as long as there’s a broom with a view! 😀

Andrea, Zara, Natasha, Mariana & Jahnna

Thank you to team members Jess and Tali for supporting our Belmont people to rattle their bones and join the spooky festivities at Kingswood Halloween disco.
“The Kingswood Halloween Disco was such a fun night! Seeing everyone get excited about dressing up, and then being in their spooky costumes having an absolute blast on the dance floor was just the best thing to see. They still outdance me every time!” Jess.

Mariana’s Kelly Tarlton Birthday Adventure – December 2023
Mariana always enjoys planning her birthday celebration activities well in advance and this year was no exception!
“Mariana’s birthday was coming up in December and we were discussing what she would like to do which would be special. Mariana decided on Kelly Tarlton’s which was one of her goals. Mariana very excited about the taxi arriving and off we went all packed and ready with her toys of choice for the day.
When inside Mariana was so inquisitive and full of knowledge answered all my questions. We saw amazing Penguins and Big Turtles and an amazing Nemo tank then of course the shark tunnel and so much more. I couldn’t believe her knowledge she knew so much about the exhibitions and informed me of the new one since she was last there. Mariana’s excitement didn’t end there when the gift shop came up, she had so many soft toys to go through.
Finally, she narrowed it down to a seahorse. A fantasti, great and fun day for both of us – she thanked me for a lovely day.” Bel, Key Worker

Zara’s Special Olympics Annual Prize Giving – Ten Pin Bowling!
Zara attended the annual prize giving for Special Olympics on 10th of December supported by her key worker Carmela. Zara is part of Special Olympics, Ten Pin Bowling team and proudly received her Certificate of Participation. This was a happy occasion shared with her fiancé Daniel.

More People highlights!

Beautiful new coat kindly knitted by Teresa for Annabelle dog.

“Zara was able to complete another goal, this was her horses diamond dot art. She asked me to take a photo after she finished the horse pattern, as she was hoping that it would be featured into the next newsletter.” Carmela, Key Worker
Shore Trust AGM – 20 November 2023

Team Christmas dinner, November 2023

Shore Trust Christmas Party 2023

Christmas Party 2023 continued

Garry and singers

Happy Birthday Tali & Congratulations for 22 amazing years with Shore Trust!!
Lovely words from Mary.

Beautiful buffet
A message from our Chairperson
Meri Kirihimete
As 2023 comes to an end and we look to the New Year, the Board and I want to take the opportunity to thank you all for your support and contributions to the Shore Trust during the year.
Thanks to all our employees, volunteers, residents, and clients for a productive and successful year at Shore Trust.
You, Shore Trust employees and volunteers, have a reputation as a provider of high-quality homes and care for adults with an intellectual disability, and I thank you all for your continued dedication and excellent work throughout the year. I wish everyone a merry Christmas.
I hope you have the opportunity for a relaxing break over the coming weeks and enjoy some valuable time with friends and family.
Wishing you and your whānau a safe and happy holiday! All the very best for 2024.
Very best wishes,
Chris Creighton