December News 2021
Meri Kirihimete & Merry Christmas!
We had a cracking Christmas Party celebration on Sunday finishing a roller coaster of a year on a high. A big thank you to everyone that came and helped make the day so special with our whanau. It was so wonderful to reconnect with family and friends and be together again.
Special mention and thanks:
♥ Tali & team for putting on the most sumptuous christmas lunch.
♥ Super grateful to Lloyd Kirby, RSM, for gifting the fantastic gazebo (and other goodies) which was put straight into good use.. even though it turned out to be a rain shelter rather than sun a shelter on the day!
♥ Big shout out to Gemmo for the awesome music & drumming

Birthday celebrations!
Lovely Tali celebrated a very special 70th Birthday on 25 November.
Many happy returns Tali, you are an inspiration!
Happy birthday Mariana!
So delighted that all your birthday wishes came true and you enjoyed your special day.

Tribute to John Smith
On a sad note in late November John Smith passed away suddenly. John and Mary with Gordon were one of founding contributors and a driving force in getting the Shore Trust started about 30 years ago. Johns’ contribution was invaluable especially in expertise with all things pertaining to building but also showed how versatile he was during his time as Chairperson of the trust, to even taking turns to cook at the Trust BBQ at Christmas .
A very loved family man who shared his time and his love of sailing with his whole family. As an active member of The Torbay Boating Club they also received many long hours overseeing and physically working on club house construction projects.
In later life, not one to sit around John threw himself in to a huge tree planting scheme near this home in a Paremoremo. And again, showing his leadership and great workmate qualities was the man for the moment to get things done.
Shore trust will sorely miss John for his knowledge, his compassion and the calming way in getting things done. Our Hearts go out to Mary and Jacs who will miss him greatly.
Home is the Sailor, home from the sea.
John Myers, Trustee
I want to take this opportunity to thank you all for your support this year. As the year draws to a close, we will all be happy to say goodbye to 2021 and look forward to a fresh start in January and Shore Trust 30th birthday celebration.
It has been great to meet many new people and work alongside the Shore Trust board, team, families and of course your loved ones. I feel blessed to work with such a wonderful, dedicated group of whanau.
We now take some time to relax and unwind and enjoy our renewed freedom over the holidays and I’m looking forward to working with you in 2022. Have a safe and fabulous Christmas and holiday break and I will leave you to enjoy the photo collage below. Francie Needham, Manager

Shore Trust Team, Christmas 2021
Photo Highlights!
Dancing Queens with the moves

Girls have rhythm!

Drumming Kings

Cool chicks

Chillaxing & mingling

Fabulous new Gazebo!

Time to say thanks

Beautiful Christmas buffet

Those desserts!
Thank you to the Christmas catering team