Supporting people to have quality lives A community valuing difference Our people are our biggest asset


A community of people living their best lives

Shore Trusts’ mission is to provide quality homes where people can enjoy their lives to the full and be valued members in the community.

We offer a holistic approach and our aim is to ensure each person is enabled to make life choices, enjoy successes and live a fulfilling life.

Our goal is creating a safe & respectful environment where people can live as independently and freely as possible, have fun, and achieve their individual goals alongside friends and family/Whānau.

Our Story

Shore Trust was formed as a Charitable Trust in 1992 under the name of The Shore Family Trust, by a group of six families wanting a better life for their intellectually disabled family members.  All but one of the families lived on the North Shore and the aim was to buy a home in a community where the family members would have easy access to a range of activities they would enjoy.  After much searching, 6 Belmont Terrace, Milford, was purchased and with alterations and extensions supported by funds from the ASB Trust and Government Funding Agencies, became that home.  Relevant staff were employed 24/7 to provide living and community support for the people.

 In the beginning, to support the Trust to become established, the families needed to have significant input, for example picking up the roles of Trust Chairperson, Secretary and Treasurer.  Trustees over the years have removed themselves from the day-to-day management and now focus on the larger and broader decisions that affect the Shore Trust.  Such issues include the overall mission and other strategic planning matters.

Three of the original families are still involved in the Trust and two of their family members call Belmont Terrace their home. 

A Trust Board as stipulated by the 1992 Trust Deed, was formed comprising of family members and one independent person.   In 2014 the Trust Deed was updated and simplified using more fitting language to describe disability, however it is interesting to note that the initial Objectives of the Trust Deed still remain relevant e.g. “to promote the development of a person with an intellectual disability so as to enable them to be as independent as possible and to enjoy their rights as New Zealanders to live as normal a community life as possible”  In March 2011 the Shore Family Trust changed its name to Shore Trust.   

Over the thirty years there has been many inquiries to Shore Trust from families seeking a home and quality service provision for a family member and, in October 2018, after initially renting a house in Browns Bay for three disabled people, Shore Trust purchased a further home in Nile Road.  Alterations and maintenance continue on this house to make it comfortable for the now four people who call it their home. Shore Trust has worked very hard over the years to ensure quality residential, vocational support and community involvement for the people living in our homes.

Our Values

  • We are family connected
  • We enable inclusion in the community
  • We support and encourage choice
  • We ensure high quality in all that we do

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We Need Donations

Alienum phaedrum torquatos nec eu, vis detrax culis ex, nihis in mei.
$1,200.00 Raised so far $5,000.00 Our Goal

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